Sunday, March 29, 2009


This March has been a typical "in like a lion, out like a lamb" here in New England. We had another big storm on March 2nd: here are some pictures.

The snow took forever to melt, mainly because of temperatures in the teens and twenties for a couple of weeks, but we have finally started to warm up a bit. The crocuses that I planted to naturalize the back yard have finally poked their little heads out of the ground.

When I was little my Dad used to take pictures of flowers that we saw when we were on vacation. I never used to understand that, but I do now. It's so rewarding to see the flowers that you have planted and tended bloom. They look really cheerful in the sunshine.

Now that the weather has warmed up I've been able to hit the roads cycling. Doing Spinervals all winter has really paid off;I feel like I'm stronger and faster than even at the end of the season last year. It's still pretty chilly and I've been wearing tights, several layers, a woolly under-the-helmet hat and lobster-claw gloves, but it's so great to be out in the sunshine.

I have also spent March polishing my thesis document, getting it ready for submission. I finished the final edits and turned it in today. The next step is for the research director to review it and provide me with another list of edits. Hopefully after that it will be off to the printer and I'll be done. I also got my papers to order my graduation "regalia" - I plan to walk on June 4th and everyone is invited!

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