After spending a couple of days in Austin, I drove to Houston on Friday to pick up Robert. Robert had spent some time with Amy, Drew, Hannah and David in Houston, and we went out to lunch with them.
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We then drove to Beaumont to spend some time with my brother and his family. It's about an hour and a half to Beaumont. On the way there we crossed the Houston Ship Channel on a bridge that goes up around 175 feet over the channel. It was pretty nerve-wracking - like riding up and down a roller-coaster. Here's a picture of the bridge
Here are some shots of Bruce, Lorraine and Benjamin (who came home from Nagadoches for the weekend).
Friday night we ate pizza and played a really fun game called Blokus. We were all still speaking to each other after it was over, which was an accomplishment!
On Saturday we went to Gator Country. It was cool and breezy, so the gators weren't too active, but we got some great pictures.
Our favorite part of the tour was seeing Big Al. He is one of the largest gators in captivity. He was sunning himself on the bank, and because it was cold, the guide was able to get in the pen and give him a kiss on the snout.We also saw some large snapping turtles. These turtles live on the bottom and rarely move. The guide opened its mouth to show the little pink lure that looks like a worm to fish. The fish come to investigate and the turtle snaps them into its mouth. Turns out that the turtle's neck can extend 1 1/2 to 2 feet out to grab food.
Lorraine and I hit the Fabric Shop in the afternoon while Bug went with Bruce and Robert to look for a new car. His old car got totaled in a close encounter with a tree, so he's in the market for something new to drive. I found some nice fabrics for a quilt that I'm planning, and we got to preview several of the test drive cars that Bug was thinking about. I purchased the fabric, but Bug didn't purchase a car that day.
While we were in Beaumont we got to tour Uncle Bruce's wood shop. He is working on Christmas presents for their grandkids and helping some of Lorraine's Webelos scouts with their Space Derby rockets. It was fun to see all his tools and to see Grandpa's work table that used to be in the basement on Louise Ave. It was also fun to see Grandma's old piano that I practiced on for many years.
We also went to a genuine Texas BBQ to have dinner on Monday night. The food was great and the ambience terrific. Driving from Austin to Houston I saw signs for BBQ's advertising "chop beef". I got to have some - it's basically beef that is grilled first and then chopped or shredded and served in BBQ sauce.
Tuesday morning we went back to Houston. I caught a plane back to Manchester, but Robert caught one for Oakland to go visit his dad. He also stopped in to see Aunt Verlene and had a nice visit with her.
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